不時要摸摸兜里的手機振了沒?但拿出來看又發(fā)現(xiàn)并沒振過,這是不是患上了強迫癥?這種誤解是源于大腦錯誤詮釋輕微的肌肉痙攣。別擔心,這不是幻聽或幻覺,而是一種文明病,心理學將它稱之為"信號發(fā)覺"(signal detection theory),也可以稱之為“幻覺振動綜合癥(phantom vibration syndrome)。
Do you ever think your mobile phone is ringing or vibrating when it's not? That's called "phantom vibration syndrome."
Phantom vibration syndrome isn't really harmful -- in the study of college students, more than 90 percent said they considered phantom vibrations to be "only a little" or "not at all" bothersome.
But some believe it's a warning sign that too much technology may be hazardous to human interaction.