89. His employers could not complain about his work because he was ______ in the performance of his duties.
A. derelict B. penetrating
C. diversified D. assiduous. 選D
employer 雇主,老板 or表示主動
employee 雇員 ee在名詞詞尾表示被動的
assiduous 勤奮的 (總坐在那里的人, 總as坐sid 在那里的人)
insidious 陰險的,狡詐的(總坐在里面的人)
derelict 遺棄物 (敵人離開后留下的)
relics 遺骨 (阿姨死了以后留下的遺骨)
relict 殘余物
penetrate 穿透
permeate 滲透
diffuse 彌漫
diversify 使不同