WHEN China joined the World Trade Organisation in late 2001, its share of world exports stoodat 4.3%. By last year that share had soared to10.6%, and the country had become the worldsbiggest exporter. In addition to awe and envy, its rise has spawned a rapidly growing list oftrade quarrels. China was a party to only two of the 93 trade disputes that were taken to theWTO between its accession and the end of 2005. But in the five years to the end of 2010, itwas involved in 26 of the 84 cases filed at the forum.
On July 5th the WTOs dispute-settlement body found against China on three linkedcomplaints. The cases were brought by America, the European Union and Mexico in 2009 andtook issue with Chinas policy of restricting the exports of certain industrial raw materials,including bauxite, magnesium, zinc and silica, of which it is a leading producer. The plaintiffsargued that Chinas policies gave domestic firms that use these commodities an unfaircompetitive advantage, while also restricting world supply of these inputs and causing theirprices to soar.
China says its restrictions were motivated by its desire to conserve the worlds limitedsupply of these materials and to protect the environment from the pollution caused by theirextraction. The problem with this line of argument, as the WTO panel noted, was that althoughChina restricted the export of these commodities, it had done nothing to reduce their actualproduction. Chinas policies were in clear violation of its WTO commitments, it found.
China expressed regret at the WTOs ruling and has up to 60 days to lodge an appeal.Jeffrey Schott of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a think-tank inWashington, DC, expects several more big cases against China soon. But the significance ofthis judgment goes beyond China. Many countries banned some food exports during the food-price spike of 2008. A renewed period of buoyant commodity prices and demand could easilytempt more governments to emulate Chinas restrictions on exports of raw materials. TheWTOs judgment may dissuade at least some countries from doing so. And given the rottenstate of the Doha round of trade talks, a show of teeth in defence of a rules-based tradingsystem is more useful than ever.
WHEN China joined the World Trade Organisation in late 2001, its share of world exports stoodat 4.3%. By last year that share had soared to10.6%, and the country had become the worldsbiggest exporter. In addition to awe and envy, its rise has spawned a rapidly growing list oftrade quarrels. China was a party to only two of the 93 trade disputes that were taken to theWTO between its accession and the end of 2005. But in the five years to the end of 2010, itwas involved in 26 of the 84 cases filed at the forum.
On July 5th the WTOs dispute-settlement body found against China on three linkedcomplaints. The cases were brought by America, the European Union and Mexico in 2009 andtook issue with Chinas policy of restricting the exports of certain industrial raw materials,including bauxite, magnesium, zinc and silica, of which it is a leading producer. The plaintiffsargued that Chinas policies gave domestic firms that use these commodities an unfaircompetitive advantage, while also restricting world supply of these inputs and causing theirprices to soar.
China says its restrictions were motivated by its desire to conserve the worlds limitedsupply of these materials and to protect the environment from the pollution caused by theirextraction. The problem with this line of argument, as the WTO panel noted, was that althoughChina restricted the export of these commodities, it had done nothing to reduce their actualproduction. Chinas policies were in clear violation of its WTO commitments, it found.
China expressed regret at the WTOs ruling and has up to 60 days to lodge an appeal.Jeffrey Schott of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a think-tank inWashington, DC, expects several more big cases against China soon. But the significance ofthis judgment goes beyond China. Many countries banned some food exports during the food-price spike of 2008. A renewed period of buoyant commodity prices and demand could easilytempt more governments to emulate Chinas restrictions on exports of raw materials. TheWTOs judgment may dissuade at least some countries from doing so. And given the rottenstate of the Doha round of trade talks, a show of teeth in defence of a rules-based tradingsystem is more useful than ever.