Coming to America
Europe s big aircraft-maker is to open a factory inAlabama
THE red imported fire ant first entered Americathrough the port of Mobile, Alabama, in the 1930s.Being more aggressive than most native species, it soon spread across the country. OnJuly 2nd Airbus said it would open its first jet assembly line in America in Mobile. Thereaction of Boeing, the European aircraft-maker s biggest rival, suggests it fears a nastysting from this foreign pest. And with good reason: Airbus says the factory, which will cost$600m and start delivering aircraft in 2023, will help to boost its share of America s civil-aviation market to nearly 50%, up from 20% today.
Airbus s move seems well-timed. With the four biggest airlines in the world, America remainsthe largest market for civilian jets. Demand has been muted for years, usually accountingfor less than 30% of orders worldwide, down from 50% in 2003. But this is likely to change.Jets flying in America are typically several years older than elsewhere. Perhaps 5,000 newaircraft may be needed in the next 20 years. The single-aisle 319s, 320s and 321s thatAirbus will put together in Mobile-albeit initially at a modest rate of up to 50 a year-willchallenge Boeing s popular 757.
空客的這步舉措看起來時機剛剛好。美國擁有全球四大航空公司,一直是民用飛機最大的市場。近年來需求減弱,其訂單經常不到全球訂單的30%,而在2003年,這個比例還是50%。不過這種局面即將扭轉。在美國運行的飛機通常比其他地區(qū)的機齡要老幾年,未來20年大概需要5000架新飛機。空客將在莫比爾市生產大量型號為 319,320和321的單過道噴氣式飛機,雖然一開始是一年近50架,比例還較為和緩,但這大大挑戰(zhàn)了常用的波音757的地位。
Earlier plans by Airbus to make planes in America were thwarted when Boeing beat it to wina large order for mid-air refuelling tankers from the Pentagon. By selling aircraft that aremade in the USA, Airbus hopes to win over patriotic locals . American politicianshave long supported Boeing against its European challenger, though it is unfair to classifyAirbus as wholly European. Like Boeing, its supply chain is global. It claims, for example, tobe the largest foreign customer of America s civil-aerospace industry.
Airbus says the new factory will bring it closer to its customers in America. It will also createa natural currency hedge, with more of its costs incurred in dollars rather than euros. Given the uncertainty surrounding the euro,such hedging is doubly wise. Ironically, Airbus will also receive subsidies from Alabamareckoned to be worth almost $160m. Airbus said it noticed what was on offer only when itinvestigated the subsidies paid to Boeing.
空客公司稱,新工廠將會拉近其與美國消費者之間的距離,還會產生自然貨幣對沖,因為其成本更多的是以美元結算,而非歐元。考慮到歐元區(qū)的不確定性,這種對沖更為明智。諷刺的是,空客也會得到阿拉巴馬州的補貼,據說有將近 1600萬美元??湛头Q,只有調查到波音公司接受的補貼才能知道州政府具體提供的是什么。
Airbus s new factory is expected to create 1,000 jobs. Part of the appeal of Alabama is that itis a right-to-work state, where employees cannot be forced to join a union as a condition ofemployment. Boeing s factories are largely in closed-shop Washington state. A new Boeingfactory in right-to-work South Carolina was blocked by the union-friendly National LabourRelations Board, until Boeing gave a gold-plated pay deal to its unionised workers in existingfactories. So far, despite high unemployment in the EU, Airbus s European workers seem tohave bought their bosses argument that the new factory will not take jobs from Europe, butmay create some by boosting sales in America.
Some European politicians have interpreted Airbus s move as the latest depressing symbol ofEurope s decline. That is a stretch. What is most striking is the self-confident approachto globalisation taken by Airbus, a company that over the years has suffered more than itsshare of petty squabbles, especially between its French and German tribes.
How Boeing will respond to this rocket-blast of competition in its own backyard remains tobe seen. So far it has merely grumbled that the new factory will not change the fact thatAirbus has benefited from huge subsidies at home. Perhaps Boeing should open a factory inEurope? That is easier said than done. Few places in the EU can match Alabama s sweet mixof flexible working practices and southern-fried tax breaks.
Coming to America
Europe s big aircraft-maker is to open a factory inAlabama
THE red imported fire ant first entered Americathrough the port of Mobile, Alabama, in the 1930s.Being more aggressive than most native species, it soon spread across the country. OnJuly 2nd Airbus said it would open its first jet assembly line in America in Mobile. Thereaction of Boeing, the European aircraft-maker s biggest rival, suggests it fears a nastysting from this foreign pest. And with good reason: Airbus says the factory, which will cost$600m and start delivering aircraft in 2023, will help to boost its share of America s civil-aviation market to nearly 50%, up from 20% today.
Airbus s move seems well-timed. With the four biggest airlines in the world, America remainsthe largest market for civilian jets. Demand has been muted for years, usually accountingfor less than 30% of orders worldwide, down from 50% in 2003. But this is likely to change.Jets flying in America are typically several years older than elsewhere. Perhaps 5,000 newaircraft may be needed in the next 20 years. The single-aisle 319s, 320s and 321s thatAirbus will put together in Mobile-albeit initially at a modest rate of up to 50 a year-willchallenge Boeing s popular 757.
空客的這步舉措看起來時機剛剛好。美國擁有全球四大航空公司,一直是民用飛機最大的市場。近年來需求減弱,其訂單經常不到全球訂單的30%,而在2003年,這個比例還是50%。不過這種局面即將扭轉。在美國運行的飛機通常比其他地區(qū)的機齡要老幾年,未來20年大概需要5000架新飛機??湛蛯⒃谀葼柺猩a大量型號為 319,320和321的單過道噴氣式飛機,雖然一開始是一年近50架,比例還較為和緩,但這大大挑戰(zhàn)了常用的波音757的地位。
Earlier plans by Airbus to make planes in America were thwarted when Boeing beat it to wina large order for mid-air refuelling tankers from the Pentagon. By selling aircraft that aremade in the USA, Airbus hopes to win over patriotic locals . American politicianshave long supported Boeing against its European challenger, though it is unfair to classifyAirbus as wholly European. Like Boeing, its supply chain is global. It claims, for example, tobe the largest foreign customer of America s civil-aerospace industry.
Airbus says the new factory will bring it closer to its customers in America. It will also createa natural currency hedge, with more of its costs incurred in dollars rather than euros. Given the uncertainty surrounding the euro,such hedging is doubly wise. Ironically, Airbus will also receive subsidies from Alabamareckoned to be worth almost $160m. Airbus said it noticed what was on offer only when itinvestigated the subsidies paid to Boeing.
空客公司稱,新工廠將會拉近其與美國消費者之間的距離,還會產生自然貨幣對沖,因為其成本更多的是以美元結算,而非歐元。考慮到歐元區(qū)的不確定性,這種對沖更為明智。諷刺的是,空客也會得到阿拉巴馬州的補貼,據說有將近 1600萬美元??湛头Q,只有調查到波音公司接受的補貼才能知道州政府具體提供的是什么。
Airbus s new factory is expected to create 1,000 jobs. Part of the appeal of Alabama is that itis a right-to-work state, where employees cannot be forced to join a union as a condition ofemployment. Boeing s factories are largely in closed-shop Washington state. A new Boeingfactory in right-to-work South Carolina was blocked by the union-friendly National LabourRelations Board, until Boeing gave a gold-plated pay deal to its unionised workers in existingfactories. So far, despite high unemployment in the EU, Airbus s European workers seem tohave bought their bosses argument that the new factory will not take jobs from Europe, butmay create some by boosting sales in America.
Some European politicians have interpreted Airbus s move as the latest depressing symbol ofEurope s decline. That is a stretch. What is most striking is the self-confident approachto globalisation taken by Airbus, a company that over the years has suffered more than itsshare of petty squabbles, especially between its French and German tribes.
How Boeing will respond to this rocket-blast of competition in its own backyard remains tobe seen. So far it has merely grumbled that the new factory will not change the fact thatAirbus has benefited from huge subsidies at home. Perhaps Boeing should open a factory inEurope? That is easier said than done. Few places in the EU can match Alabama s sweet mixof flexible working practices and southern-fried tax breaks.