中國人英語水平列全球第36位 上海領(lǐng)跑全國
The English proficiency of people in China has reached its highest level since 2011, according to a report released on Wednesday in Shanghai. The proficiency ranking rose to 36th among 80 countries and regions, according to the 2024 English Proficiency Index of the Swedish education company Education First.
英語熟練度指標(English Proficiency Index)由英語培訓(xùn)機構(gòu)EF英孚教育發(fā)布,報告覆蓋80個非英語母語的國家和地區(qū)(80 non-English-speaking countries and regions around the world),共有逾100萬人參與測試。英孚英語熟練度指標每年制定一系列英語測試,由全世界數(shù)十萬成年人完成測試,取上一年度成績匯編成報告,自2011年起每年定期發(fā)布。
從區(qū)域來看,歐洲繼續(xù)保持領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢(keep the leading position),排名第一位;亞洲緊隨其后;拉美人的英語正逐年追趕亞洲(catch up with Asia);中東地區(qū)英語水平最低。
Proficiency in English among residents of Shanghai has ranked first in China for four consecutive years, followed by Hong Kong and Beijing, the report said.
中國各省市中,上海、香港、北京、天津、福建5地處于英語中等熟練水平(intermediate level),為中國英語熟練度第一梯隊的地區(qū)。而中國臺灣地區(qū)則排名第6,尚處于低熟練度水平(low intermediate)。福建為首次進入中等熟練度水平省市。
The English proficiency of people in China has reached its highest level since 2011, according to a report released on Wednesday in Shanghai. The proficiency ranking rose to 36th among 80 countries and regions, according to the 2024 English Proficiency Index of the Swedish education company Education First.
英語熟練度指標(English Proficiency Index)由英語培訓(xùn)機構(gòu)EF英孚教育發(fā)布,報告覆蓋80個非英語母語的國家和地區(qū)(80 non-English-speaking countries and regions around the world),共有逾100萬人參與測試。英孚英語熟練度指標每年制定一系列英語測試,由全世界數(shù)十萬成年人完成測試,取上一年度成績匯編成報告,自2011年起每年定期發(fā)布。
從區(qū)域來看,歐洲繼續(xù)保持領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢(keep the leading position),排名第一位;亞洲緊隨其后;拉美人的英語正逐年追趕亞洲(catch up with Asia);中東地區(qū)英語水平最低。
Proficiency in English among residents of Shanghai has ranked first in China for four consecutive years, followed by Hong Kong and Beijing, the report said.
中國各省市中,上海、香港、北京、天津、福建5地處于英語中等熟練水平(intermediate level),為中國英語熟練度第一梯隊的地區(qū)。而中國臺灣地區(qū)則排名第6,尚處于低熟練度水平(low intermediate)。福建為首次進入中等熟練度水平省市。