Clean water
Silver threads of life
A water filter that kills bacteria, rather than just removing them
MORE than a billion people lack clean water-and in most cases the lack is just of cleanliness,rather than of the water itself.
The result is disease, particularly diarrhoea. This kills millions of children a year and stuntsthe growth of millions more.
Better water filters, then, could save many lives and improve many others, and Yi Cui ofStanford University thinks he has come up with one.
Traditional filters work by forcing water through pores to weed out bacteria.
That needs power, as well as frequent changes of the filter element as the pores fill upwith bugs.
Dr Cui s filter, though, does not screen the bacteria out. It kills them.
The filter element he and his team have designed is a mesh of tiny carbon cylinders, knownas nanotubes, and silver wires laid on top of a thin strip of cotton cloth.
Silver is well known to kill bacteria, so Dr Cui conjectured that forcing bugs to pass close tothe metal without actually trapping them might lead to their destruction.
He also suspected that running an electric current through the silver might help the process,because electrical fields have the ability to break down the membranes that surroundbacterial cells.
Though silver is a good conductor, carbon is cheaper, and the nanotubes provide the extraelectrical conductivity needed.
To make their new filter, the team first dipped strips of woven cotton into ink containingnanotubes. They then used pipettes to drop the silver wires, which were suspended inmethanol, on to the surface of the strips.
制作新型濾水器,首先把棉布條浸入含有碳納米管的 墨水 中,然后用吸管將浸泡在甲醇中的銀絲滴在棉布條的表面。
Once dried, the new filters were ready to try.
To do that Dr Cui connected them to a battery and ran water containing E. coli, a commonbacterial contaminant of water, through them.
A few drops of the filtered water from each experimental run were then scattered on anincubation plate to see what was left to grow.
As they report in the latest edition of Nano Letters, Dr Cui and his team found that when thefilter was operated at -20 volts it killed 89% of the bacteria and that at +20 volts it killed77%.
At zero volts, most of the bacteria survived.
In a follow-up experiment, in which contaminated water was run through three of the newfilters in sequence, 98% of the bacteria were killed.
Using silver this way might sound expensive, but it is not.
The amount involved is minuscule, as is the quantity of electricity needed to keep thefilter charged .
And the filter itself would be expected to last indefinitely.
The next test, then, is to see if the new device kills the full range of dangerous bacteriafound in polluted water.
If it does then potable water, one of the necessities of life, may become easier for manypeople to obtain.
Clean water
Silver threads of life
A water filter that kills bacteria, rather than just removing them
MORE than a billion people lack clean water-and in most cases the lack is just of cleanliness,rather than of the water itself.
The result is disease, particularly diarrhoea. This kills millions of children a year and stuntsthe growth of millions more.
Better water filters, then, could save many lives and improve many others, and Yi Cui ofStanford University thinks he has come up with one.
Traditional filters work by forcing water through pores to weed out bacteria.
That needs power, as well as frequent changes of the filter element as the pores fill upwith bugs.
Dr Cui s filter, though, does not screen the bacteria out. It kills them.
The filter element he and his team have designed is a mesh of tiny carbon cylinders, knownas nanotubes, and silver wires laid on top of a thin strip of cotton cloth.
Silver is well known to kill bacteria, so Dr Cui conjectured that forcing bugs to pass close tothe metal without actually trapping them might lead to their destruction.
He also suspected that running an electric current through the silver might help the process,because electrical fields have the ability to break down the membranes that surroundbacterial cells.
Though silver is a good conductor, carbon is cheaper, and the nanotubes provide the extraelectrical conductivity needed.
To make their new filter, the team first dipped strips of woven cotton into ink containingnanotubes. They then used pipettes to drop the silver wires, which were suspended inmethanol, on to the surface of the strips.
制作新型濾水器,首先把棉布條浸入含有碳納米管的 墨水 中,然后用吸管將浸泡在甲醇中的銀絲滴在棉布條的表面。
Once dried, the new filters were ready to try.
To do that Dr Cui connected them to a battery and ran water containing E. coli, a commonbacterial contaminant of water, through them.
A few drops of the filtered water from each experimental run were then scattered on anincubation plate to see what was left to grow.
As they report in the latest edition of Nano Letters, Dr Cui and his team found that when thefilter was operated at -20 volts it killed 89% of the bacteria and that at +20 volts it killed77%.
At zero volts, most of the bacteria survived.
In a follow-up experiment, in which contaminated water was run through three of the newfilters in sequence, 98% of the bacteria were killed.
Using silver this way might sound expensive, but it is not.
The amount involved is minuscule, as is the quantity of electricity needed to keep thefilter charged .
And the filter itself would be expected to last indefinitely.
The next test, then, is to see if the new device kills the full range of dangerous bacteriafound in polluted water.
If it does then potable water, one of the necessities of life, may become easier for manypeople to obtain.