collect call 對方付款電話
incoming call 打進的電話
outgoing call 往外打的電話
phonebooth 公用電話
self phone 手機
pay phone 投幣式電話
person to person call 受話者接聽的電話
station to station call 叫號電話
reciever 聽筒
I am sorry I dialed the wrong number. 撥錯電話
The line is busy/hut/engaged. 占線
The connection is bad. 信號不好
The phone is not clear. 聽不清楚
電話本 telephone book /directory
電話聽筒 receiver
電話賬單 phone bill
掛上電話 hang up
先別掛 hand on
掛掉電話 Line is dead.
別掛電話 hold on for moment
hold the line
給某人打電話 ring sb up
give sb a ring/call
電話自動答錄機 answering machine
留言 leave a message
稍等,我馬上給你打過去。I will call your back in a minute.